
THAB: Drifter stuff and weapon buffs! (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Friday, March 01, 2019, 06:51 (2163 days ago) @ Korny

Eververse gets some great armors

I'm hoping there are more armors than what I'm looking at... Because for titans, that is the same generic plate armor I've seen soooooo much. Titans are cursed to not have different looking armor. Yes, hunters and warlocks can complain they don't have "cool" looking armor, but at least it's different looking! All Titans every get is some form of plate armor in different styles. The only imagination they they put into it is when they have some some cool Iron banner shoulders. The wolf shoulders were cool. I want more of that like the Titan I am actually cares about their armor! And no, I'm not talking about exotics. Most every exotic looks cool in some way or another.

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