Narrative Preview 3- Warlocks have better sense. (Destiny)
I'd kill to have cutscenes and/or story intrigue this interesting in the game.
These are the sorts of stories I’d love to see Faction Rallies facilitate. I watched a video on the new Warframe seasonal stuff (by Obsidian Ant, if you want to check it out). Seems like Bungie could implement something like that for Faction Rallies. Choose your faction, grind out some shit for cool drops over the season and gain faction rep, get a nice little story about what your chosen faction is up to along the way.
Complete thread:
- Narrative Previews--The Drifter is messed up. -
2019-03-01, 20:48
- Narrative Preview 3- Warlocks have better sense. -
2019-03-02, 09:09
- Narrative Preview 3- Warlocks have better sense. - cheapLEY, 2019-03-02, 13:40
- Agreed - Oholiab, 2019-03-02, 17:01
- Narrative Previews--The Drifter is messed up. - Spec ops Grunt, 2019-03-03, 16:30
- Newest one is the most interesting. -
2019-03-03, 19:56
- Indeed. - Ragashingo, 2019-03-03, 20:11
- Narrative Previews--The Drifter is messed up. -
2019-03-04, 09:30
- Narrative Previews--The Drifter is messed up. - MacAddictXIV, 2019-03-07, 08:50
- Narrative Preview 3- Warlocks have better sense. -
2019-03-02, 09:09