Destiny Comic Collection Vol. 1 available for Pre-Order (Destiny)
On the Bungie Store for $ 19.99
Jiminy, that's beautiful
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Do want.
Bungie is really good at separating me from my money.

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Cool! Needs more Levi though. ;D
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Destiny Comic Collection Vol. 1 available for Pre-Order
Is it just me, or does the Bungie Store charge more for shipping than any other online retailer I know?

Destiny Comic Collection Vol. 1 available for Pre-Order
It’s pretty on par for most entities providing similar products that are not being fulfilled through a major retailer. (I think it usually just seems like a lot because free shipping is so common now. I usually balk when I see the shipping but follow through anyway)

Destiny Comic Collection Vol. 1 available for Pre-Order
It’s pretty on par for most entities providing similar products that are not being fulfilled through a major retailer. (I think it usually just seems like a lot because free shipping is so common now. I usually balk when I see the shipping but follow through anyway)
$12 to ship the comic. Maybe because i'm on the East coast.

Destiny Comic Collection Vol. 1 available for Pre-Order
It’s pretty on par for most entities providing similar products that are not being fulfilled through a major retailer. (I think it usually just seems like a lot because free shipping is so common now. I usually balk when I see the shipping but follow through anyway)
$12 to ship the comic. Maybe because i'm on the East coast.
Trust me, try going into a Fedex and ship something half way decent size... it's scary how cheap shipping from amazon is.

Destiny Comic Collection Vol. 1 available for Pre-Order
It’s pretty on par for most entities providing similar products that are not being fulfilled through a major retailer. (I think it usually just seems like a lot because free shipping is so common now. I usually balk when I see the shipping but follow through anyway)
$12 to ship the comic. Maybe because i'm on the East coast.
Trust me, try going into a Fedex and ship something half way decent size... it's scary how cheap shipping from amazon is.
Yeah, I get it. Part of it perception is due to the fact that a lot of my shipping activity involves Amazon, but the shipping for Music of the Spheres was half this, and I should think they're both comparable in weight.

Destiny Comic Collection Vol. 1 available for Pre-Order
USPS Priority 3-day will be about 8-13$ for most shipments in the weight range of a hardcover comic. Which is under a medium Flatrate, and far under FedEx (over 58 dollars for the closest equivalent a quick Google caught me, so take that with a pinch of salt) and overall about what is to be expected unless you get free shipping. Not sure if the vinyl release of MotS was using some specific type of shipping that may have allowed for lower costs, though.

Destiny Comic Collection Vol. 1 available for Pre-Order
USPS Priority 3-day will be about 8-13$ for most shipments in the weight range of a hardcover comic. Which is under a medium Flatrate, and far under FedEx (over 58 dollars for the closest equivalent a quick Google caught me, so take that with a pinch of salt) and overall about what is to be expected unless you get free shipping. Not sure if the vinyl release of MotS was using some specific type of shipping that may have allowed for lower costs, though.
It's probably purely based on what deals Bungie, as a company, has with shipping companies and taxes and all that jazz. I highly doubt Bungie is trying to make money off of shipping :D