Nice! (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, April 30, 2019, 09:59 (2091 days ago) @ squidnh3

I managed to solo-flawless Shattered Throne Last night using Nightstalker with the revelry class buff for always-invis. Here's the last 5 minutes, including the Taken Blaster Wall (which I seem to have done recklessly fast, but I had failed there on the previous run going slow):

Yeah, I'm amazed you didn't stop to catch your breath on the first platform. Worked out for you... but geez, made my heart race. ;)

I followed it up with a few games of Iron Banner with some DBOers. Here's the last 2 minutes of a close game that I ended my night on. I start off getting murdered by multiple supers, but then provide support for a critical capture, and get a couple of key kills at the end with Arbalest and Recluse (one of my new favorite combos):

I loved seeing that completely useless Sentinel Shield super from 3rd person. ;) (Honestly, though, I'm jealous of your ability to use that Arbalest so cleanly.)

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