THAB 5.30.19--More Season of Opulence info (Destiny)
Starting off right with the season roadmap. Truth returns and a new hand cannon called Lumina:
They go more in depth on the new Chalice of Opulence, and it looks better than I gave it credit for last week.
I'll just copy and paste here.
How does it work?
Earn runes to slot on your Chalice through the following:
- Completing weekly bounties
- Opening up the weekly chests on the new Nessus Barge
- Using a consumable that will reward you a rune after a strike, Crucible, or Gambit completion
The same consumable will also give other players in your fireteam a chance to earn an additional rune
Slot the runes into your Chalice before you enter the Menagerie
Play the Menagerie to earn your rewards
Completing the Menagerie will award you the gear you chose with your rune selections
Each rune affects what you receive and some of its properties, depending on how you slot them
New bounties will reward a new currency, Imperials, which you can use to upgrade your Chalice, allowing you to do things like earn extra rewards or choose the Masterwork for your gun.
This actually seems really cool. Here's hoping the Menagerie is a good activity.
Next, they talk about Pinnacle weapons:
The Vanguard is offering an Arc Adaptive Grenade Launcher.
Wendigo-GL3’s unique perk is “Explosive Light—Picking up an Orb of Light increases the next grenade’s blast radius and damage”
Crucible is offering a Kinetic Aggressive Sniper Rifle.
Revoker’s unique perk is “Reversal of Fortune—Missing a shot returns the bullet to the magazine after a short duration”
Unlike past Crucible Pinnacle weapons, you will not have to reach Fabled. Instead, you will have to earn a total of 3500 Glory points. This means that losing no longer matters, but it can potentially take a lot longer. Not sure how to feel about this change.
Gambit is offering a Solar Precision Bow.
Hush’s unique perk is “Archer’s Gambit—Hipfire precision hits grant a massive draw speed bonus for a short duration”
They then detail some more weapons changes, which I won't repeat here.
They talk about the rewards available for beating the raid. The now standard belt is still on offer for World's First. A special emblem is rewarded to those that completed it within the first 24 hours. Those that beat it by the reset on 6/11 can purchase the new jacket:
Finally, they give some patch notes, which has some good stuff. Kills after a Crucible match ends finally no longer count. The Luxurious Toast emote now allows you sit for as long as you wish. Another good change is moving the Pursuits tab from your inventory to the Director:

They made this update for me
30% buff to Loaded Question, Sturm and Drang buffs, Revoker doesn't require hitting Fabled. Thanks Bungie, I am officially excited.
They made this update for me
30% buff to Loaded Question, Sturm and Drang buffs, Revoker doesn't require hitting Fabled. Thanks Bungie, I am officially excited.
Heh. "Revoker doesn't require hitting Fabled" - true enough, but it requires many, many more games than previous pinnacle weapons.
Theoretical minimum number of games to earn Recluse: 15 (or 16, if you don't count on the first week's play bonus)
Theoretical minimum number of games to earn Revoker: 27 (or 28, without a one week play bonus)
Yes, those are straight win streaks, and most people play many more games than that because they lose... and losing doesn't count against the Revoker total... but it'll still be a lot more games, I bet.

They made this update for me
30% buff to Loaded Question, Sturm and Drang buffs, Revoker doesn't require hitting Fabled. Thanks Bungie, I am officially excited.
Heh. "Revoker doesn't require hitting Fabled" - true enough, but it requires many, many more games than previous pinnacle weapons.Theoretical minimum number of games to earn Recluse: 15 (or 16, if you don't count on the first week's play bonus)
Theoretical minimum number of games to earn Revoker: 27 (or 28, without a one week play bonus)Yes, those are straight win streaks, and most people play many more games than that because they lose... and losing doesn't count against the Revoker total... but it'll still be a lot more games, I bet.
I haven’t crunched all the numbers, but my sense is that if a player has something close to a 50/50 record in Comp, hitting Fabled probably takes somewhere close to 40-50 games (based on this current season’s point system). I’m sure I’m a bit off there, but I suspect that for the majority of players, this new requirement will be a bit faster to attain. Although, as you point out, it will almost certainly be slower for the top-tier players.
Either way, I’m really excited about this change. While winning multiple games in a row is still the fastest path to earning the weapon, losses will no longer carry the sting of sending me backwards. This simple little change could make the comp playlist far more enjoyable for me.

They made this update for me
Yes, those are straight win streaks, and most people play many more games than that because they lose... and losing doesn't count against the Revoker total... but it'll still be a lot more games, I bet.
Well, saying as I haven't been able to earn a previous Crucible pinnacle weapon because of losses, I bet it'll be less ;)

THAB 5.30.19--More Season of Opulence info
Unlike past Crucible Pinnacle weapons, you will not have to reach Fabled. Instead, you will have to earn a total of 3500 Glory points. This means that losing no longer matters, but it can potentially take a lot longer. Not sure how to feel about this change.
This is a great change. The purpose of any competitive matching system should be to create good matches. Linking a skill-as-progression pinnacle reward runs counter to this purpose. It encourages people to game the system and then stop playing when they get the reward, which throws off the normal distribution you want for good matches. Simply achieving 3500 points should not have this negative effect.
Bungie learned this lesson in Halo 3, came up with a good system in Reach to avoid it, invented Trials in Destiny (which sidesteps the issue entirely by being a tournament-based system), and then gave up on that for whatever reason. Then they added a competitive playlist in Destiny 2, appended fantastic rewards on to achieving skill levels (even more problematic than Halo 3's issues). Now it looks like they are reversing course again. It would be interesting to know how (or if) these philosophies are maintained internally.

THAB 5.30.19--More Season of Opulence info
Yeah, I’m about ready for this season to end. The Drifter’s kind of a dick. He always seems to pick Cabal, he drewinsults my ghost Artemis, and he won’t stop calling me a snitch!! All while constantly asking me to help him on some crap. On the plus side, I finally got hold of the Malfeasance. Now I can cheat as hard as everyone else. ;-)
I am NOT up for that invader mote triumph though.

They made this update for me
30% buff to Loaded Question, Sturm and Drang buffs, Revoker doesn't require hitting Fabled. Thanks Bungie, I am officially excited.
Heh. "Revoker doesn't require hitting Fabled" - true enough, but it requires many, many more games than previous pinnacle weapons.Theoretical minimum number of games to earn Recluse: 15 (or 16, if you don't count on the first week's play bonus)
Theoretical minimum number of games to earn Revoker: 27 (or 28, without a one week play bonus)Yes, those are straight win streaks, and most people play many more games than that because they lose... and losing doesn't count against the Revoker total... but it'll still be a lot more games, I bet.
I haven’t crunched all the numbers, but my sense is that if a player has something close to a 50/50 record in Comp, hitting Fabled probably takes somewhere close to 40-50 games (based on this current season’s point system). I’m sure I’m a bit off there, but I suspect that for the majority of players, this new requirement will be a bit faster to attain. Although, as you point out, it will almost certainly be slower for the top-tier players.Either way, I’m really excited about this change. While winning multiple games in a row is still the fastest path to earning the weapon, losses will no longer carry the sting of sending me backwards. This simple little change could make the comp playlist far more enjoyable for me.
Yep, I'm all for this change. I'm good, but I'm not that good. It it feels more in line with all of the other pinnacle weapons quests.