
Shadowkeep is Rise of Iron sized. (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Monday, July 15, 2019, 21:22 (1976 days ago) @ Ragashingo

My guess is that Bungie is hinting that the Moon will be Destiny 2's last major location. And, yeah, possibly comparing it to Rise of Iron is also a hint that this will be Destiny 2's last large expansion. Maybe we get smaller seasonal stuff after that until Destiny 3?

Maybe? It makes sense, but it would also imply that Destiny 3 is maybe next year. I can't really see Destiny 2 surviving on just Annual Pass content for more than a year, unless they really step it up.

Maybe I'm wrong on that, though. It seems like folks really enjoyed last season and this one is certainly off to a great start.

I certainly don't think I'll make it through more than another year of just Annual Pass style stuff with much enthusiasm. Not that it hasn't been good (some of it even great), but I just need something more to really get me excited.

I guess if Armor 2.0 is just the start of something bigger when it comes to the investment systems, maybe that will make some of the investment loop a bit more compelling.

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