Mission Control (Destiny)
I was pretty confident this medal (and the Sniper Rifle Mastery triumph that required getting the medal) was going to be forever out of reach for me (on console, at least). Something about the D2 sniper just feels clunky on console and I don't like using them. Unfortunately, the Revoker is my best bet for getting a crucible pinnacle weapon and completing that Moments of Triumph badge, so it's been all sniper, all the time for me.
I had totally forgot about the medal and was just focused on getting sniper kills (only 31 to go!) and completing games with Leviathan gear. And then it happened...
It wasn't pretty, and I'm lucky that the dodge reload doesn't count as a reload, but it happened. And then it happened again...
A bit cleaner, but I still made a stupid play at the end. Still two Mission Control medals in a single game was pretty cool :p
Now I just need to group with some of you guys in comp to get my Glory points. I'm sitting at 520 points after ten games as most of my solo games end up looking something like this.