More PvP Fun (Destiny)
Thanks Argent, Malagate, Claude, Robot Chickens, & Zero for letting me roll with you guys last night. I was able to finish off my sniper kills and get 1,000 points closer to the pinnacle sniper reward! Best of all, not once did I have to fight the urge to chuck my controller across the room :p
Some of the highlights of the night for me:
I got my first Annihilation medal
OK, so it turned out that was my third, but I don't remember the first two. Also, that was a REALLY stupid place to pop my super and that sniper should have made me regret it.
I also scored a super-lucky double headshot snipe
Somehow, that didn't count for the Mission Control medal.
And my favorite part of the night. I think we had a decent win streak going at this point and had dragged this game of countdown out as far as it could go. 5 to 5. Next point wins. The other team plants inside, we try to push in to defuse, but get picked apart. I wish the Xbox's game clip feature captured party audio, because it was probably the best part. I don't remember exactly what was said, but we were basically consoling ourselves. Something along the lines of "Man, that was a good run. We almost had that one."
Then Malagate says, "Almost?"
Absolute clutch move with the sneaky disarm to win the game and continue the streak!
Pretty awesome night! Thanks again, guys!
Complete thread:
- Mission Control -
2019-07-17, 08:12
- Hey me too! -
2019-07-17, 14:15
- Noice! -
2019-07-18, 12:26
- You too! ^_^ (Both Posts.) - INSANEdrive, 2019-07-18, 14:49
- Hey, I can do it too! -
2019-07-19, 07:14
- Awesome! Mission Control medals for EVERYONE!!! - DiscipleN2k, 2019-07-19, 07:49
- Noice! -
2019-07-18, 12:26
- More PvP Fun -
2019-07-18, 12:45
- More PvP Fun - Claude Errera, 2019-07-18, 14:49
- <3 - Malagate, 2019-07-19, 11:50
- Hey me too! -
2019-07-17, 14:15