
hilariously (Destiny)

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Wednesday, August 28, 2019, 10:46 (1755 days ago) @ CougRon

Managed to get the legendary gear for all my Guardians last night. And turned in a bunch of chest to tRy and get better gear. Not perfect but better then I started with. No idea if I’m going to ever Masterwork it all. Thanks to all that helped including Zero who helped me finish off Gambit matches toward the end.

Trying to decide now how much I should rest before trying to continue that Iron Banner quest or an Exotic quest.

I got all 3 in the last hour. I had 1 bounty and some orbs left on my main (warlock) that I knocked out as a performative final step.

I got all 3 because I thought that was necessary for the triumph and had a good chuckle when it popped for the first set I completed....

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