
Ars on Cross-Platform Multiplayer (Gaming)

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Wednesday, October 16, 2013, 05:58 (4118 days ago) @ Beorn

I can't roll my eyes hard enough at this comment that is the "Editor's Pick":
Not gonna happen. Or rather, I don't want it to happen.

There are two possible outcomes. They link PC and Console as is today. If this happens, PC will trounce Console in shooters. This will generate a lot of complaints from the Console side. Understandably so. Its like letting Professional Sports players go against College level. Its not going to be pretty.

So the other possibility. They deliberately nerf the PC side or deliberately enhance the Console side (auto aim, restricted mouse movement, increased cone fire, increased recoil. And I utterly detest this. I am a PC player and I do not want to be treated like a second class citizen. I want full control over my game, not being deliberately nerfed so the Console players don't get too angry.

Now PS to X-Box. I can totally see that happening. And that is a good idea.

The future of gaming would be very disappointing if everything boiled down to "would this be good for deathmatches". The tone also reeks of PC gaming superiority. One would think the best game in the world would involve nothing more than quickly putting your cursor on a 2 pixel by 2 pixel square and clicking with that line of thought.

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