
Pretty mixed on this one (Destiny)

by Dust223, Friday, September 27, 2019, 12:25 (1662 days ago) @ bluerunner

A ton of quality of life changes that have been asked for a long time but
they just totally killed Breakneck and Redrix in PvE.

Redrix now changes from a high impact pulse into a low impact pulse when desperado is active.

Breakneck not only gets hit by the damage nerfs to rampage and onslaught, but now the way onslaught works is it changes the archetype with each damage stack from a 450 rpm to 600 to 720..... so wouldn't any 720 auto rifle with rampage be just as good.

Also real skeptical about the new Ritual weapons considering Bungie's track record with some of the past curated roll weapons.

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