My favourite quote.. (Destiny)

by PerseusSpartacus, G'rndl Prime, Thursday, October 17, 2013, 11:55 (4136 days ago) @ RC

"I would still rather have the problem of being overly ambitious rather than just kind of walking up and making it, and getting it out there because the name will sell it.

That would be the day that I would leave." - Dave Dunn

See, this is what 343i doesn't understand! They just spit out titles, and expect us to buy them, without ever thinking about how we'll respond to the content. A lot of us now probably think it wasn't worth it to buy Halo 4. This is very different from the original Halo, Marathon, or Minecraft, all of which think more about making a good game than they do about profit. 343i just wants the green stuff pouring in their door, without worrying about whether we'll think it was worth it. That's the difference between average game-making (Blizzard, 343i, etc.), and good game-making (Bungie, Mojang, etc.).


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