
Dredgen Yor is near? (Destiny)

by ManKitten, The Stugotz is strong in me., Monday, October 14, 2019, 06:09 (1671 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

Having xbox live connection issues but before I got completely booted off all services, I loaded into the moon. I kept getting reconnected, there were zero players and no AI characters to be seen. Just an empty moon. Except for the text on the bottom left that said "Dredgen Yor is near" in all white letters. Not blue letters, as if it were a player name.

Sup wit dat?

Aren’t other players’ names in white in patrol zones? I thought they only became blue if they’re in your fireteam.

I've just noticed other players names in blue and fire team members in green. This was one of those messages in the style of "A gang of pikes is headed this way." or "A high value target is near"

And no, I did not get a screen shot. I'm assuming that because of all the networking issues it was a glitch. But it still popped up, which meant the line exists in the game.

According to https://checkgamertag.com the gamertag Dredgen Yor is not being used.

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