Feb 7th - 15th | My Week in Destiny 2 *Vids* (Destiny)
Yes. I know. That's 9 Days. Blah blah blah. Anywho - within that span, I've had myself a fairly eventful "week". This has been particularly true in the Crucible (which is generally not my forte). Wanted to share. Enjoy.
"Well that's not going to happen again." (Hint: I was wrong. SO WRONG.)
I kept just doing things and it just kept working. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I would like y'allz thoughts on this one at least. What... exactly happened here? Was this just lag, or something more?
...and finally the pièce de résistance!
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Thank you. :)
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Bonus Clip.
This should have been the first video (which makes the main title date wrong, but oh well). I knew I forgot something. All of this started when I decided I was going to work on these pinnacle/ritual weapon quests I've had for awhile. It all started working towards the KOMODO-4FR. I had some cool moments so I clipped 'em together with... that xbox app (which I'm forgetting the name of at the moment). Hope y'all don't mind smash cuts!
Favorite part is @ 2:50 where I slide dodge a point blank rocket and just king of the hill for about 30 seconds while red bar. That was pretty dope.