Sometimes, RNG makes me crazy. (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Sunday, July 05, 2020, 21:20 (1711 days ago)

Yeah, I play a lot.

Okay, so I'm at a point where I will advance much faster if I can bring my legs up to my current level (one point). That means I need Season Pass armor, Focused Umbral engrams, Prime Engrams, or powerful rewards. Okay, I've got a lot of options there.

Unfortunately, at this point in the season, I am out of legs in my season pass. Okay, no worries, just means I need to earn the damn legs.

I've got 8 Umbral engrams, and a bunch of activities left to get powerfuls for:

- Flashpoint
- Luna's Calling (mission on moon)
- Nightmare Hunt (run 3, any level)
- Nightmare Slayer (kill 30 nightmares in Sorrow's Harbor, basically run Altar once)
- Shady Schemes (finished, not picked up)
- Spare Parts (finished, not picked up)
- Vanguard Service (finished, not picked up)

In addition, I have 3 weak pinnacles left: 3 Vanguard Strikes, 3 Gambit matches, 4 Crucible Core matches. (I don't actually want to FINISH those before I fill that leg slot, because the leg brings me up a level, and those pinnacles will be 1 point higher if I wait... but I can run most of them, and earn some Umbrals as I go.)

Okay, so I run 2 strikes and 2 gambit games. 5 more umbrals. Nightmare hunts, 3 more umbrals plus the powerful. Nightmare slayer - 2 umbrals, plus the powerful. Flashpoint - 1 umbral, plus the powerful. Luna's calling - no umbrals, just the powerful.

In the process of running all that, I earned 3 more Primes.

I pull all the powerfuls in the field (moon, flashpoint). 3 drops, no legs.

Back to the tower.

I pull the 3 primes, plus the 3 vendor powerfuls. No legs.

I Focus all 19 umbrals (obviously not in one go)... no legs. Just the other 4 armor parts.

I mean... fuck. That's 25 powerful drops, 19 of them guaranteed to be armor... and NONE of them are legs.

RNG sucks.

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