Halo Infinite delayed to 2021 (Gaming)
Probably for the best.
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Wow Hard not to see it as a reaction to the demo's reception
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Or the fact that a pandemic is disrupting workplaces…
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I'm assuming that the pandemic is the bigger reason of the two and that the reception to the demo pushed it over the edge.
My theory is that they just got done rescoping what they wanted to accomplish to launch, looked at how they were progressing during the pandemic and made the call at that point.
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Halo Infinite delayed to 2021
They need to cancel the Xbox One version. I needs to be gone. They have to cancel it. I understand the consumer friendliness. I get it. But for a flagship title to really beat Sony, they have to do this. I needs to be truly be a flagship title. I'm going to stand by that.
Do you think that's a viable course of action though? This game has been in development for what… five years? So likely its entire technical underpinnings were based on the concept that it was initially developed for Xbox One, with a cross gen phase.
Exactly what I was saying before. Sony is going to have games that take full advantage of the hardware, while this is going to waste all that extra power by merely drawing more pixels. You gotta raise that base floor. The things that will impress and inspire next generation aren't things you can simply 'scale'.
That's possible, but it's just bad management to wait on that assessment until after they ship a World-stage demo. They had to have known a release date would be given with the Demo.