Who managed to snag a next-gen console? (Gaming)
I got an Xbox Series X!
Who managed to snag a next-gen console?
I got an Xbox Series X!
Nice! Did you order any games with it? What games are on your radar?
I'm nervous to get one day one given the launch history of xbox consoles. There also aren't any games that have grabbed my attention. Halo and Flight Simulator are my most anticipated but who knows when they will come out.
I'm also curious how much a Series X will improve my current games.
Who managed to snag a next-gen console?
I got an Xbox Series X!
Nice! Did you order any games with it? What games are on your radar?
I didn't get to snag one, but I'm looking forward to the using the XSX power for the new AC: Valhalla and Cyberpunk: 2077
Who managed to snag a next-gen console?
I got an Xbox Series X!
Nice! Did you order any games with it? What games are on your radar?I'm nervous to get one day one given the launch history of xbox consoles. There also aren't any games that have grabbed my attention. Halo and Flight Simulator are my most anticipated but who knows when they will come out.
I'm also curious how much a Series X will improve my current games.
I'm planning on hitting D2: Beyond Light pretty hard at launch. Then Cyberpunk. I also cannot wait for Flight Simulator! But yeh, Halo is the big one for next year (was hoping for this year but...)
Who managed to snag a next-gen console?
Halo is the big one for next year (was hoping for this year but...)
Well since you got the big fancy pants 4K Xbox X, maybe YOU should capture the cutscenes for the Halo Library instead of me :-p
haha. I'll see what I can do. :)
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Who managed to snag a next-gen console?
I missed it. I had a Series X in my cart at Best Buy for 30 minutes, but it kept erroring out of checkout and then it finally just told me they were out of stock.
Maybe they’ll get more stock before launch. I remember there being a few waves for the launch last generation, and I managed to snag one then.
Who managed to snag a next-gen console?
I got an Xbox Series X!
Nice! Did you order any games with it? What games are on your radar?I'm nervous to get one day one given the launch history of xbox consoles. There also aren't any games that have grabbed my attention. Halo and Flight Simulator are my most anticipated but who knows when they will come out.
I'm also curious how much a Series X will improve my current games.
Pretty much right where I am at. I think I'm going to wait until after Christmas to pick one up.
Who managed to snag a next-gen console?
I got an Xbox Series X!
Grabbed a couple of PS5s with no issue.
I have decided against the Series S. The price is great, but the significantly gutted internals really don’t make it much better than the One X for me to justify the jump.
Who managed to snag a next-gen console?
Wish I could have. Went to my local mall's gamestop before they even opened aaaaaaaaaaand they were already sold out by the time I got there. Had to ask one of the dudes to put me on a waitlist for in store pre-order availability, but who knows what's gonna happen with that.
Who managed to snag a next-gen console?
In theory, I have... but I'm not so sure. It was so... painless for me. I did see some 503 errors when things hit 11 and the "race" started, but for me nothing really blew up or anything. I was in, information, and order confirmed. With all the news of Pre-order Shenanigans, I'm holding my breath at the moment that the shoe won't drop me a "We're Sorry" message. That the order can't be completed. On top of that, this apparent "victory" is partially pyrrhic. Pre-2020, there was a plan to save up and get not only a fresh box of tech, but a new tv as well. Unless the stars change for the better, I'll be playing on my increasingly long in the tooth 12 year old (more or less) 1080 tv. Frankly I shouldn't really be grabbing anything in the upper hundreds this year that doesn't feed or protect but, man... I want something nice this year, should it be allowed.
Did you get the right one?
Xbox One X sales rank is up 747% on Amazon lol...
— Andrew Alerts (@AndrewAlerts) September 22, 2020
Wonder how many people bought an Xbox One X instead of an Xbox Series X https://t.co/atj4thPwqD pic.twitter.com/CUzRkib3Sr
Did you get the right one?
Not even the marketing teams know what's going on anymore
here's Microsoft getting confused by Xbox One X and Xbox Series X pic.twitter.com/kGsdoSqlgG
— Tom Warren (@tomwarren) September 22, 2020
This is what I'm hoping for
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See?? SEE?!?
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Did you get the right one?
Xbox One X sales rank is up 747% on Amazon lol...
— Andrew Alerts (@AndrewAlerts) September 22, 2020
Wonder how many people bought an Xbox One X instead of an Xbox Series X https://t.co/atj4thPwqD pic.twitter.com/CUzRkib3Sr
Legitimately, there was part of me that was asking if the reason I had the ease I did was because of the naming convention... and as it turns out, maybe. Maybe.
Remember, it's not XOX, it's XSX.
I've said it before, I'll say it again
"Series" is an awful name for an iteration of a platform...
Did you get the right one?
Remember, it's not XOX, it's XSX.
Not to be confused with SxS. I think this was just a dumb name all around.
Pre-ordered a Series X from microsoft.com took 17 minutes
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Who managed to snag a next-gen console?
I got an Xbox Series X!
love you too. :)
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Who managed to snag a next-gen console?
Had Microsoft, Xbox, Amazon, Best Buy, Target, and Walmart up in tabs and was refreshing 20 minutes before the top of the hour. I only ever got to the carts of Xbox and Target, but those both failed. Finally, nearly an hour later, I watched refresh to refresh as Amazon prepared their listing and refreshed past some “Oops somethings wrong” pages and snagged one.
I've said it before, I'll say it again
"Series" is an awful name for an iteration of a platform...
I just call it the SeX Box.
I've said it before, I'll say it again
"Series" is an awful name for an iteration of a platform...
I just call it the SeX Box.
That does seem like a natural evolution of the XBONE
I've said it before, I'll say it again
"Series" is an awful name for an iteration of a platform...
I just call it the SeX Box.
That does seem like a natural evolution of the XBONE
What's the next one going to be called? Scary...
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What's the next one going to be called? Scary...
Scary Box
Sporty Box
Baby Box
Posh Box
Ginger Box
The posh box will do 8K 240 fps and cost a zillion dollars.
I missed out.
If anyone hears of resupply, by all means post and/or send me a message.
Yeah, same.
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