I must be missing something with the Bright Dust discussion (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Thursday, October 29, 2020, 16:24 (1429 days ago) @ cheapLEY

It’s not about letting everyone get more Bright Dust, it’s about letting players with only a single character not feel like they’re getting fucked for not running three characters, I think. 10,500 is a good chunk of bright dust, and way more than the season pass gives now. Combined with the weeklies on one character, that’s 17,700 (assuming a three month season, I honestly have no idea how long a season is anymore).

There overall bright dust you could potentially earn is lower, but it’s more focused on the season pass than bounties and having to run three characters.

Okay, i suppose that makes sense. Sucks for those of us who DO run 3 characters, and play a lot... but good for other people.

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