Want for Weekend Raid/Hard Mode/Dungeon Team on Xbox? (Destiny)

by CougRon, Auburn, WA, USA, Monday, November 23, 2020, 19:14 (1243 days ago) @ TeejayF

I’m willing to want to try, i would like a casual frequent team ups, never seem to have them much anymore and I used to have several in D1.

I rarely am invited spontaneously nowadays or when I sign up on fireteambuilder the events gets canceled for one reason or another. I do play many weekday evenings but usually by then most dbo’ers are off or nearly off because a lot are east coasters. Feels like I need the time just to tread water as to progress. Weekends see a lot of play but I also frequently enjoy just doing nothing for a while away from destiny. My skills are probably high casual but I’m not a solo superstar.

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