
Xbox Series X / PS5 available at Walmart in about 20 minutes (Gaming)

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, December 16, 2020, 09:17 (1549 days ago) @ Korny

The difference is truly incredible. Going from playing Apex to Destiny always took a bit of adjustment, and always showed the benefit of 60fps.

Going from playing Destiny at 30fps to 60fps really, really highlights the difference. Combined with the wider FOV, it literally feels like a different game at a fundamental level. I’m doing stuff I’d have never done before. Not that it’s made me any better, but the smoothness and extra FOV have made playing a Warlock in Crucible actually make sense to me. The jump feels totally different to me, controllable in a way that it never was before. I finally understand why good Warlocks spend so much time in the air.

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