Bungie Teasing Hunter Details (Destiny)
Probably not worth a whole new topic, but they teased this on twitter:
This Hunter can claim his prey without firing a shot. Care to know more? We'll sketch it out for you later this week.
Think it's about their Space Magic Knife?
Bungie Teasing Hunter Details
The facebook version also mentions not being seen:
The Hunter is an assassin, a rogue, a survivalist. He can claim his prey without being seen - without firing a shot.
So they might also mean invisibility? Or even assassinations?
Bungie Teasing Hunter Details
The facebook version also mentions not being seen:
The Hunter is an assassin, a rogue, a survivalist. He can claim his prey without being seen - without firing a shot.
So they might also mean invisibility? Or even assassinations?
The Hunter has a router with a standby button.
Now those were the days
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...with high blood pressue.
Every single time I started to notice Spartans sliding into walls:
[insert a gif depicting the eternal rage of a Super Saiyan powering up, or perhaps dealing with troubling constipation]
Super-bouncers were almost as bad.
403 Forbidden Access
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Maybe the Hunter has a Ghost. (PS4 Only?)
Bungie does enjoy that Oh-So-Special play on words. I find that the concurrence of the announcement coming this week gives cause to thinking that this is connected. Yes.. I am aware that all Guardians are supposed to have a Ghost. Doesn't mean they all can do the same thing.
A ghost with lasers. /end thread
I doubt that thought though mind you, hence to "claim his prey without firing a shot" sounds like a game-play function. ...Meh...
I wait and see.
Ding ding ding!
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