What are Linear Fusion Rifles for? (Destiny)
In my quest for always having the right tool for the job, and of course a happier healthier vault, I have found myself asking why I am holding on to any Legendary Linear Fusion Rifles. With Legendary Linear Fusion Rifles being at this point exclusively Heavy slot only, what are they good for? They don't even one shot body in PvP (or they haven't in my experience). You have to head shot, but if that's the case, why not use a Sniper? What do Linear Fusion Rifles do that Snipers can't?
They don't DPS. They aren't really fast in a pinch. Since they use heavy bricks it would be a an utter waste to use it on even major adds, when I could use a rocket and at least bring some trash adds along. What are Linear Fusion Rifles good at that no other weapon type/class can do? What makes it worthy of being in any slot at all if they don't have some exotic perk with them?
Can't think of anything, but before I start sharding the stock, felt it worth an ask. And yes, I know, the moment I do this Bungie will come out next day about how they will make Linear Fusion Rifles relevant, but oh well. Perfection is a fools game.
What are Linear Fusion Rifles for?
I like using them for DPS on bosses or mini-bosses w/ crits. I have a Clown Cartridge/Vorpal Threaded Needle that seems fun and good. I miss my Rapid Hit/Firing Line Line in the Sand though.
What are Linear Fusion Rifles for?
In my quest for always having the right tool for the job, and of course a happier healthier vault, I have found myself asking why I am holding on to any Legendary Linear Fusion Rifles. With Legendary Linear Fusion Rifles being at this point exclusively Heavy slot only, what are they good for? They don't even one shot body in PvP (or they haven't in my experience). You have to head shot, but if that's the case, why not use a Sniper? What do Linear Fusion Rifles do that Snipers can't?
Can't think of anything, but before I start sharding the stock, felt it worth an ask. And yes, I know, the moment I do this Bungie will come out next day about how they will make Linear Fusion Rifles relevant, but oh well. Perfection is a fools game.
In theory they have gnarly aim cones for PVP making headshots super easy (See Arbalest) but it's an awkward weapon.
I'd hold onto a CC/Frenzy or CC/Vorpal threaded needle, but otherwise I don't think the weapon is getting the buff unless it gets a rework.
Why do you use them over Rockets/Grenade Launchers for DPS?
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Crits from far away?
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What are Linear Fusion Rifles for?
They got really impacted by the box breathing nerf.
I think they also are one of the few weapons that can kill multiple enemies with one shot in a straight line when fired. I THINK this is why it still requires headshots in PvP.
But otherwise, they're pretty much just heavy slot sniper rifles.
What are Linear Fusion Rifles for?
Can't think of anything, but before I start sharding the stock, felt it worth an ask. And yes, I know, the moment I do this Bungie will come out next day about how they will make Linear Fusion Rifles relevant, but oh well. Perfection is a fools game.
Hooooly crap, you called the hell out of that one XD
https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/50237 (Subsection: Balance)
Thank You dmg04!
Can't think of anything, but before I start sharding the stock, felt it worth an ask. And yes, I know, the moment I do this Bungie will come out next day about how they will make Linear Fusion Rifles relevant, but oh well. Perfection is a fools game.
Hooooly crap, you called the hell out of that one XD
https://www.bungie.net/en/News/Article/50237 (Subsection: Balance)
I've played this game for too long. LOL-Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan.
That said, be it circumstance, or simply a more personal touch from afar; thank you dmg04! A "...we wanted to get this information out earlier than normal to keep you all informed!" is fantastic, and I thank you. I didn't need specifics, just the knowledge that something is on the block, and that the weapon emperors are making a call.
SO... Machine guns. How ya doin'.
Thunderlord catalyst plz
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They aren't terrible in Gambit IIRC
They make a decent enough weapon for elites/boss/invasions