
Electronic? Electric? (Advice Needed) (Off-Topic)

by kidtsunami @, Atlanta, GA, Wednesday, July 28, 2021, 06:00 (1282 days ago) @ CougRon

I have a question to ask, and to be honest I'm not sure what I need to do. A few weeks ago, I was out of town for the weekend. Apparently while I was gone, there was a massive storm that landed where I live. When I came back, the power to the house itself was still on, but certain electrical devices scattered around the house no longer work, no matter what. I've tried plugging them into different outlets, resetting them(where necessary, I mean one of the plugs was for the water heater and garage door) but it acts as if it isn't getting power at all. So far, the items I've found disabled are my garage door opener, my water heater, my HDMI splitter in my room, the 2nd floor air conditioning, and an external hard drive. What I'm trying to figure out is if I need to replace the plugs for them, or the entire device. If anyone needs any further details, I'll provide them where I can. Thanks in advance!

I have to concur with others recommendation but some of these sound like they could be on dedicated circuits . Have you tried looking at your circuit breaker? For those on dedicated circuits try flipping those if your comfortable even if they appear to be ok.I have had instances where trip in the breaker is subtle or the room appears to be working but it because the room or certain things in it are on there own lines.

To that end, check if any GFCI outlets (the ones with "Test" "Reset" buttons) got tripped in the process.

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