CHONKER TWAB - 5th of August, 2021 - Testing your Ability... (Destiny) read. Not really going to outline this one, as WOW, there is meat in this one.
Talking about things like...
- Separate Melee Actions.
- Rally Barricade got FLIPPEN BUFFED! Makes Warlock Exotic boots more irrelevant.
- Arcstrider buffed. So happy.
- Base Icarus Dash nerfed back to one.
- Bottom-Tree Dawnblade melee is now a fire version of NECROTIC GRIP.
- Bottom-Tree Stormcaller gets longer "arc buddy". New Landfall sounds interesting.
- Middle-Tree Voidwalker got a very mild buff. Bungie fears this super potential power.
- Armor and mods next week.
Go see what going to happen to your Favorite Playstyle!
Complete thread: