
Experience (Destiny)

by squidnh3, Tuesday, November 02, 2021, 05:53 (1060 days ago) @ squidnh3

Played a bit over the weekend, and fell at the gates of the lighthouse last night. I had 7 total wins prior to starting that card. I did have some really fun and competitive games though, with some actual back and forth in different rounds (this map is great). As long as your teammates don't get instantly sniped in the first 10 seconds of the round you have a lot of options. I may try again tonight.

Ended up managing a flawless card last night, then played a few games on the card after that. Matchmaking times were really long on the 7-win card for whatever reason. All in all, my experience with the supposed total-win-based matchmaking wasn't that different than the flawless pool weekends.

Here's a wild sudden death round from a critical win I got along the way:

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