Plunging the Backlog(The Turing Test) (Gaming)
Abstaining myself from Destiny 2 was a lot easier than I thought it would be...of course, the second Momentum Control ended, Mayhem started, so I had to extend my swan song a bit, but after that... I've found to my relief that I don't really miss it that much! I guess out of sight, out of mind.
I have been popping up from time to time, doing just enough to get Forerunner and a Catalyst; currently I'm doing some Proving Grounds Nightfall to get enough dialogue for a transcript, but otherwise the distancing is working out fine. I've already got some stuff under my belt—grinding my face off in Saints Row 2(we trade one villain for another), trying Horde Mode in Doom Eternal (lost my last life on the last wave of the last level, but it was entirely my fault) and finally, exploring the Turing Test.
Now, as I'm sure most of you know the Turing Test is a real thing. And the namesake game was a GWG a while back, so I picked it up.
My only regret is that it took me so long to get to it.
This game is so good, and the puzzles are well executed, if not a little unoriginal. It's basically if Portal tried, became addicted to, then eventually overdosed on redpills. The puzzles are simple enough that you feel smart when completing them, but build as you progress into (what I feel) are some genuinely challenging obstacles.
I'm not even going to say a word about the game's plot in fear of spoiling anything, but let's just say things become more clear and coherent, you discover a chilling twist, and the ending...
I just kept saying "Wow" for an hour straight.
Checking the records, it's never been on sale so far, except for the GWG period, but I honestly believe it would be worth looking into. I don't think you'll regret it. But you'll certainly think about it.