What's your go to element when Titan/Hunter/Warlock? (Destiny)
I've stated many times (and will continue to do so) my love for Arcstrider when I play as a Hunter. But did you know that I'm all about the Sunspot Life when Titan? Or how, as it's my Main, I don't (currently) have a favorite with Warlocks. Instead, my least favorite would be Solar, though the things they did with both top and bottom tree melees are pretty cool.
I could say more, but that's enough for an example? What do y'all prefer playing with when you're in Destiny?
What's your go to element when Titan/Hunter/Warlock?
Void Hunter. I love invisibility. I’ve used Stasis Hunter all season just because I have to in order to get Lucky Pants to work with the new Stasis Hand Cannon.
I also like running Well of Radiance Warlock. Running Lumina and throwing healing grenades is a really fun twist on the way Destiny is normally played.
I haven’t played my Titan in ages, but Hammer Titan with Monte Carlo was my go-to.
What's your go to element when Titan/Hunter/Warlock?
I'm a devout follower of the Creed of the Shoulder Charge, have been ever since I unlocked that node in D1 back in '14, so Skullfort + Arc on Titan are my go to in D2. Plus, blinding nades are sick for stunning a group of enemies while I close the distance.
Warlock is whatever. Hunter I trend toward Solar for Celestial Nighthawk use.
Stasis Hunter
The Super/melee upkeep is insanely fun.
Unless it's GMNF, in which case I go Void Hunter with All The Eyes for that invisibility upkeep.
Warlock/Titan? What are those? :p
What's your go to element when Titan/Hunter/Warlock?
Bottom solar for Warlock. If I'm going to float around forever, I may as well be nimble and deadly while I do.
Big hammer for titan? But also little hammers? Also thunder crash is a lot of fun? Stasis is VERY powerful. Titans are cool, y'all.
Hunter? I have no idea. I know I can't seem to ever make pole dancer work for me.