
Should I Give A Listen? (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Friday, March 04, 2022, 09:44 (795 days ago) @ Morpheus

So, the Witch Queen is out, and of course the assets to go with it. Word is buzzing (no pun intended) and reviews—for the most part—are stellar. I can’t help but wonder though, should I get the accompanying soundtrack? This will be the first time that I will have purchased a soundtrack for a Bungie game that I don’t plan to get. I’ve never done that before in my life, and I don’t know how to feel about that. Do I get the music, and run the risk of being tempted to drown back into FOMO addiction? Or do I shut myself out entirely, and block everything? I’ve actually been thinking about this for weeks, and surprisingly, I still can’t come to a decision. Any advice?

If it's bad for your health, like really "holy-shit-I-OCD-can't-stop-becuse-X" bad for your health, then here is your external affirmation in the obvious to not jump back in at any level. If you really feel that even listening to the music to the game will make you want to jump back in to a habit that you have difficulty breaking, WHY ARE YOU EVEN ASKING.


... no.

"Oh just one slight hit" is doom of too many.

(Plus there is only one, maybe two songs that are really of note maybe, otherwise it's all filler and reused affairs.)

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