
Overview of Process (Destiny)

by Robot Chickens, Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 13:19 (588 days ago) @ ManKitten
edited by Robot Chickens, Tuesday, June 13, 2023, 13:36

These are awesome! Are you willing to share how you made them?

Sure. I am notorious for using the wrong tool for a job.

In this case, I use a vector program (Inkscape), for a raster job, but that's more to do with my familiarity with the software. One thing Inkscape does really well is allowing you to create your own filters. I've created a ton of them to add textures, shadows etc to basic shapes or masks. That's how I created the cave walls, the floor patterns, etc.


I have collected a number of assets for the purpose of creating DnD maps over the years. The majority of them were collected from a now-defunct forum for a software engine. The assets were created by heroic artists who explicitly made their use free for any use, private or commercial (Dundjinni). Warning, the domain has been taken over by a malware-spewing entity. Items in this scene that I did not create:


I created a number of assets when no others were suitable. The 2 basins and the carpet were created to look hive-ish. They're far from perfect, but they work at the scale I use them.


It all results in a Frankenstein's Monster of overlays, assets and other things in a program that was not designed for this use.

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