Warden’s Law needs converted to Strand, a la Guiding Sight (Destiny)
Thread of Isolation would push it pretty far up in the list of hand cannons by usage. Reaching the severing burst threshold in half the time would make for some great meme builds at the very least, and it’s difficult to imagine it skewing PvP.
Warden’s Law needs converted to Strand, a la Guiding Sight
Thread of Isolation would push it pretty far up in the list of hand cannons by usage. Reaching the severing burst threshold in half the time would make for some great meme builds at the very least, and it’s difficult to imagine it skewing PvP.
I know zero of these words.
Dang… what am I doing here?
Sorry, I Just Had To...
No, I'm sure that that was good information, but it has been a super long while since I've played. And Hand Cannon was the only words that didn't need translating to me. ;-p
Warden’s Law needs converted to Strand, a la Guiding Sight
Dang… what am I doing here?
Did you watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv8NgggCCZ4
Warden’s Law needs converted to Strand, a la Guiding Sight
Dang… what am I doing here?
Did you watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv8NgggCCZ4
Nope, but I did reach out to him and answer his questions. I don't really need to see it; I know the story.
Warden’s Law needs converted to Strand, a la Guiding Sight
Dang… what am I doing here?
Did you watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv8NgggCCZ4
Nope, but I did reach out to him and answer his questions. I don't really need to see it; I know the story.
Not as bad as you probably think, the worst part is he thinks HBO is official Bungie. Drove me nuts.
Warden’s Law needs converted to Strand, a la Guiding Sight
Dang… what am I doing here?
Did you watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv8NgggCCZ4
Nope, but I did reach out to him and answer his questions. I don't really need to see it; I know the story.
Not as bad as you probably think, the worst part is he thinks HBO is official Bungie. Drove me nuts.
I watched this when it was new and that stuck out to me too, and it really colors the rest of the video (which I also remember thinking was poorly done in general). If he’s not smart enough to know HBO is Bungie, how can I assume any of the rest of it isn’t horseshit? If someone can’t even get easily verifiable facts correct, why would I care about or believe anything else they have to say?
Warden’s Law needs converted to Strand, a la Guiding Sight
I watched this when it was new and that stuck out to me too, and it really colors the rest of the video (which I also remember thinking was poorly done in general). If he’s not smart enough to know HBO is Bungie, how can I assume any of the rest of it isn’t horseshit? If someone can’t even get easily verifiable facts correct, why would I care about or believe anything else they have to say?
Well supposedly Goatrope told him the whole story, I think this guy just isn't very knowledgeable about the game or community.
Warden’s Law needs converted to Strand, a la Guiding Sight
That’s my point. Why should anyone care about what he has to say? He’s not involved with the community, he’s not knowledgeable about the subject matter, and he failed to do even the most basic level of fact checking. It’s not well-written or well-presented or well-edited. He’s just repeating a story someone told him.
I’m not even talking about whether it’s true or not—I don’t care about that either way. It’s just not a well done video in any way I can see, and I kinda wonder what the point is for him specifically doing it. Why put in the effort to make such a video when then just half-ass the whole thing?
Warden’s Law needs converted to Strand, a la Guiding Sight
That’s my point. Why should anyone care about what he has to say? He’s not involved with the community, he’s not knowledgeable about the subject matter, and he failed to do even the most basic level of fact checking. It’s not well-written or well-presented or well-edited. He’s just repeating a story someone told him.
He seems like a nice enough kid but, just something about his speech cadence is really off-putting. And not to be mean... he doesn't seem super bright. Probably not a great researcher.
I’m not even talking about whether it’s true or not—I don’t care about that either way. It’s just not a well done video in any way I can see, and I kinda wonder what the point is for him specifically doing it. Why put in the effort to make such a video when then just half-ass the whole thing?
I can only speculate about all that, but taking a quick look at the channel he seems to really like Halo. So perhaps he's just new to it?
As Grizzled Ancients, it might seem like obvious info to us. Noobs however probably aren't going to find out about HBO most of the time. I discovered it from CE's credits, but those were removed from MCC.
Warden’s Law needs converted to Strand, a la Guiding Sight
I had the same experience watching this as I've had with every news story where I've been involved in the slightest way, whether quoted (never correctly) or present for the actual event. There is almost always a basic thing that is wrong and gives the wrong impression.
Read the news, but be open to the possibility that it is wrong. Never assume you have the "whole story." Reality is always more complex and nuanced.
HBO: Now with 0.00% More Bungie!
Dang… what am I doing here?
Did you watch this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qv8NgggCCZ4
Nope, but I did reach out to him and answer his questions. I don't really need to see it; I know the story.
Not as bad as you probably think, the worst part is he thinks HBO is official Bungie. Drove me nuts.
LOL. I'll spare us all the front page joke, but...truly, it bewilders me that this error is even remotely still possible. I just can't help but laugh, it's just so patently absurd. Like... if I use a search engine right now for Halo Bungie Org I get... "HBO: Home of Genghis Wu, Khan of the East" as the cached title.
Yep. That sounds like Bungie alright. Who can forget that Bungie Classic! lol lol
HBO: Now with 0.00% More Bungie!
"HBO: Home of Genghis Wu, Khan of the East" as the cached title.
'Member endlessly refreshing the home page just to see the headlines and corner images?
and 'member people always asking Claude for a list of all the titles and images and he was always like "No! grumble grumble scattered through the universe grumble grumble too many tubes grumble"
HBO: Now with 0.00% More Bungie!
'Member endlessly refreshing the home page just to see the headlines and corner images?
and 'member people always asking Claude for a list of all the titles and images and he was always like "No! grumble grumble scattered through the universe grumble grumble too many tubes grumble"'memmmbeeeeeeer?
'member uploading to mythica because youtube didn't exist?
HBO: Now with 0.00% More Bungie!
'member uploading to mythica because youtube didn't exist?
All that Halo history, lost in time, like tears in rain...
HBO: Now with 0.00% More Bungie!
'member uploading to mythica because youtube didn't exist?
All that Halo history, lost in time, like tears in rain...
I've seen things you people wouldn't believe. Boll's modded Pelicans on fire off the shoulder of Halo. I watched CRTs glitter in the dark at a LAN near Bethany Connecticut.
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