I tried to forment a war against the BBC (Off-Topic)

by kapowaz, Wednesday, December 11, 2013, 13:05 (3849 days ago) @ scarab

If your apparatus is CAPABLE of receiving or recording then you are liable and will be fined if you don't have a license. You don't have to be caught watching - they just need to prove that you could have watched. The wording on the law was: set up to receive or record broadcast tv signals.

A few years back (okay, maybe 12 years back) I didn't own a TV and I played console videogames through a Hauppauge TV tuner card. The TV licensing people wrote to me, a very threatening-worded letter implying I was a ne'er do well and I would be fined. I rang them and said I didn't use it to watch/record TV (the truth; I had no aerial) and they kind of just went "Oh, ok then."

Times have probably changed though! Those were simpler times for sure.

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