
DBO Meetup in Cary, NC (Destiny)

by Dax01, Monday, December 23, 2013, 12:53 (3785 days ago)

Hey all,

I haven't posted here in a while but I thought I'd mention the fabulous time I had with Kermit and Duncan during lunch today.

After Duncan very rudely blew me off yesterday, he called me about a half hour before he was gonna have lunch with Kermit and said, "So, uh, I'm having lunch with some DBOers at 12 ya wanna come?" I responded, "Hell yes I wanna come!" (Though a half hour is hardly enough time for a girl like me to get ready).

We ate at Firewurst. The meal was okay, but the company was great. I arrived and punched Duncan in the arm for blowing me off. We talked about what the combat philosophy of Destiny was going to be like, Duncan's run-in with CliffyB at E3, our careers (or my lack thereof cuz I'm not done with college yet), videogame stuff, Kermit's age (he's really old!) TV shows, Star Trek TNG (and TOS). Duncan told us how he once talked to Dave Mongan about his TV career because I mentioned I wanted to be a TV writer.

Duncan also bragged about his job's amazing benefits and how he's been EVERYWHERE and seen EVERYTHING. (Did you know Duncan had a conversation with Jason Jones once?)

All in all a great time. Here's a picture of me and little Duncan to commemorate the occasion.


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