Customs Night (ice to meet you edition) (Recruitment)
It may be Christmas (it may be, but it probably won't be by the time you read this), but there's still work to be done, and I intend to do it. The work I'm talking about is of course telling one and all about the glory and splendor that is Customs Night. What is Customs Night, you ask? What an appropriate and timely question. Customs Night is a weekly get-together hosted by Community Customs (we're figuring out what to do) in Halo where we play custom games. Specifically, it happens every Friday at 9:00 PM Eastern time, we switch between games (this week it's Halo 4), and we play custom and standard gametypes on custom maps (and occasionally a standard one slips in), ranging from large to small and from comfortable to crazy.
That might seem vague, and it is. Along with what I said, at Customs Night you can expect things such as being stuck in new and exciting places, seeing an oddball being blasted out of existence (kind of), or even (again, kind of)people being killed with face lasers, just like in Destiny! On top of all that, Race was recently reintroduced to Halo via a playlist in matchmaking, and just this week rocket race made a return too, so how about you bring your favorite racetrack, or just show up and play on someone else's?
If this sounds like fun, you probably want to join us. To do that, all you have to do is reply to this post with your gamertag. Everyone that does that will get a message or an invite when we're starting. That time again is 9:00 PM EST (US), and the game is Halo 4.
There's not much to deal with as far as rules or regulations or requirements, you should just know that a CC admin (a group including but not limited to GTs: Gnrl Vagueness and ShadowoftheVoid) will have party lead the whole time, to prevent that position from being abused, and we won't run any content that been modded or otherwise altered or produced in a way that breaks the Terms of Use or Terms of Service for Xbox Live, because we don't want to get anyone banned. I think it might also be good to note that where I live we got a lot of freezing rain last Saturday, and that's lead to power, cable, Internet, and phone lines going down over the next few days. We just got both back and in stable condition today-- but they might not be so stable, so if I go missing suddenly, it's probably because the Internet connection went out again, or maybe because the power went out, in which case the generator will hopefully be on soon afterwards and I can rejoin you. Let's be careful out there-- on top of lines being down, the temperature has been well below freezing here and across a lot of North America for weeks now-- the last thing I need is a bunch of frostbitten Spartans.