
To Cap Off Fan Fiction Friday... (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, January 03, 2014, 18:07 (4105 days ago)

... I thought it might be nice to announce the winner of my Christmas Fan Fiction Contest

Grand Prize Winner: Hawki - An Europan Christmas

As I said on Christmas day, this story embodied what I think of when I think of Destiny. Guardians seeking adventure beyond The City and finding the wonderfully unexpected. For winning you have your choice of one of the following:

- A pristine copy of the Halo Graphic Novel
- A copy of Awakening: The Art of Halo 4
- An OMGXBOXHUGE copy of the Halo Encyclopedia
- A piece of paper with my signature on it (Might be worth millions someday!)

And a Steam Code to FTL if you don't already own it. (If you do let me know so I can hand it out to one of the other contestants)

Also, I don't see an email address linked to your DBO account so I have no way to contact you privately to arrange shipment of your prize.

Runner Up: mynameisbyf - A Glimmer of Hope

Not much happened in this story, there were no big action scenes, but I liked the glimpse we got at the two characters, and the scene at the end where the Guardians were starting to reclaim a part of the Earth. Same deal for being runner up, pick something from the list above and get in contact with me so I can get it to you. (Obviously you can't have what Hawki chooses, but you get first dibs on the FTL code if he doesn't need it.)

As to the rest of you, good job! I liked all the stories. Again, I'd suggest submitting them to DBO's fanfic section so they can live on beyond a long lost forum thread.


To Cap Off Fan Fiction Friday...

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, January 03, 2014, 19:27 (4105 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Congrats guys! I'm always amazed at how much good fan fiction is written for an unreleased game.

I went ahead and submitted mine to the Fan Fiction page, but wouldn't be surprised if it gets denied since it is significantly less than the 750 word minimum :)


To Cap Off Fan Fiction Friday...

by roland ⌂ @, Friday, January 03, 2014, 19:40 (4105 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Congrats to Hawki and my partner-in-crime Byf!

For those who don’t know, James "my name is Byf" Byford co-writes and voice acts the part of Lord Gheritt in Ghosts and Echoes. I’m loving all this great fan fiction the community is creating!

To Cap Off Fan Fiction Friday...

by Hawki @, Friday, January 03, 2014, 19:55 (4105 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Wow. Thanks! :)

Concerning choice of prize, my first pick would be a copy of Awakening. I've opened up my email account for contact - I say this first, because I feel you should know that as I live in Australia, that might mean some nasty shipping fees for you that wouldn't otherwise exist were a prize to be sent to someone within the US. If these are prohibitive, I'm happy to take the FTL code. Still, if international shipping is still fine, I'll provide my address details.

Thanks again, and congratulations also to BYF.


To Cap Off Fan Fiction Friday...

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, January 03, 2014, 20:39 (4105 days ago) @ Hawki

Wow. Thanks! :)

Concerning choice of prize, my first pick would be a copy of Awakening. I've opened up my email account for contact - I say this first, because I feel you should know that as I live in Australia, that might mean some nasty shipping fees for you that wouldn't otherwise exist were a prize to be sent to someone within the US. If these are prohibitive, I'm happy to take the FTL code. Still, if international shipping is still fine, I'll provide my address details.

Thanks again, and congratulations also to BYF.

Yeah, I poked around at the shipping rates to Australia and they're too high for me at the moment. :(

But that's ok, moments come and go. I'll get the book to you someday, might be a year from now, but it'll happen. For now I'll send the Steam code through email. :)

To Cap Off Fan Fiction Friday...

by Hawki @, Friday, January 03, 2014, 21:06 (4105 days ago) @ Ragashingo

'kay, I've downloaded it onto my account via the code. Haven't installed it yet, don't know when I'll get round to playing it, but if I have any problems on my end, they're purely my own.

Thanks again. Bit late I guess, but merry Christmas, happy new year, reclaim what we have lost, be brave, etc.

To Cap Off Fan Fiction Friday...

by mynameisbyf, Monday, January 06, 2014, 03:17 (4102 days ago) @ Hawki

Congrats Hawki!

Also damn you for claiming the cool art stuffs! ;)


Congratulations to the winners!

by Quirel, Friday, January 03, 2014, 22:26 (4105 days ago) @ Ragashingo

- No text -

To Cap Off Fan Fiction Friday...

by mynameisbyf, Monday, January 06, 2014, 03:15 (4102 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Wow! never realised I won :D

OK well if it remains unclaimed then I'll be grabbing the "Awakening:Art of Halo 4" prize.

If i've been beaten to that then i'll gladly take that bawler Halo Encyclopeida!

Also I think we both deserve the piece of paper really. Maybe we should split it in two and make millions that way? you choice!

Either way many thanks. Glad you enjoyed the story!

Par Audacia Ad Astra


To Cap Off Fan Fiction Friday...

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Tuesday, January 07, 2014, 15:27 (4101 days ago) @ mynameisbyf

Cool. The encyclopedia is yours. I'll, of course need a shipping address from you. :)

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