
To Cap Off Fan Fiction Friday... (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Friday, January 03, 2014, 20:39 (4105 days ago) @ Hawki

Wow. Thanks! :)

Concerning choice of prize, my first pick would be a copy of Awakening. I've opened up my email account for contact - I say this first, because I feel you should know that as I live in Australia, that might mean some nasty shipping fees for you that wouldn't otherwise exist were a prize to be sent to someone within the US. If these are prohibitive, I'm happy to take the FTL code. Still, if international shipping is still fine, I'll provide my address details.

Thanks again, and congratulations also to BYF.

Yeah, I poked around at the shipping rates to Australia and they're too high for me at the moment. :(

But that's ok, moments come and go. I'll get the book to you someday, might be a year from now, but it'll happen. For now I'll send the Steam code through email. :)

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