
How fast is fast enough? (Gaming)

by stabbim @, Des Moines, IA, USA, Sunday, January 19, 2014, 18:27 (3756 days ago) @ GrimBrother IV

What everyone else has said is accurate. All you really need for multiplayer gaming bandwidth-wise is 1-1.5mbps or so, provided no one else is hogging the connection while you're playing.

However, I fear latency is going to be a major issue for you. Satellite internet is always going to have very high latency. It's unavoidable, really. The data packets have to go into orbit and back, and that's always going to take a long time even at the speed of electromagnetic waves. For reference, in something like a multiplayer FPS it's said that anything over 150ms latency becomes noticeable to the average player. When I tested satellite internet a few years ago, the minimum round-trip time for a ping to go from me to the satellite ISP's router and back was 700ms.

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