Ghosts and Echoes - Episode 13 (Fan Creations)
Episode 13 "Who Watches Their Arrival?": http://www.astrumterra.com/files/Guardian_Radio_05_013.mp3
All Episodes are available here and on iTunes: http://www.astrumterra.com/thisisstrauss
Summary for Episode 13:
Strauss is having trouble while he ponders the metamorphosis of butterflies. Gheritt sings, Marcus delivers the keynote address to the Interplanetary Business Best Practices Forum, and the story of Jonathan Camden continues. References to the past abound, and the Watcher sees all.
NOW ON iTUNES! Subscribe here - https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/ghosts-and-echoes/id791717424?mt=2&ign-mpt=uo%3D4 Or you can search in podcasts for Ghosts and Echoes!
If you are still reading this, I would really appreciate your feedback on the series. The creation of this podcast requires some heavy lifting on a variety of fronts and if there is something we/I can be doing better it will be good to hear because it will make the time and effort that much more worth it. So please, if you have comments, positive or negative, definitely let me know.
Complete thread: