Fun! (Recruitment)

by petetheduck, Friday, March 21, 2014, 07:27 (3699 days ago) @ Xenos

A short story:

Our first game was Last Titan Standing. In the first round, we dominated and as three of us rounded a corner towards the last surviving enemy titan, it ran off a cliff and committed suicide.

Odd, but it didn't stand a chance, so okay. Same thing happens in Flood in Halo all the time.

Next round, again, we were victorious. Saw another titan run off a cliff during combat.

Okay, these guys have to be doing this on purpose.

Third round, another victory for us. We're 3-0 at this point. As the next round gets ready to begin, we come up with a plan--we're all going to suicide at the beginning of the round and force the other team to win a around.

The round begins, we all start running off the cliff. As I die and watch my teammates similarly fall and explode, "VICTORY" appears on the screen. The entire other team committed suicide faster than we could.

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