
Elder Scrolls Online (Off-Topic)

by Beorn @, <End of Failed Timeline>, Saturday, March 29, 2014, 14:54 (3741 days ago) @ rliebherr

I didn't realize that the XBO/PS4 versions of ESO would carry the $15/mo charge as well, but re-reading the copy, I see that you're right! I was pretty interested in ESO for Mac, but honestly, that ongoing price is a dealbreaker for me. I rarely have time to complete end-game content, so I'll be burning $15 every month just to work through content that many people will experience much sooner than I will. And that's on top of a full $60 to just get a foot in the door…

We've beaten this horse to death, so I'll keep it simple, but now seems like a good time to say that I think the lack of subscription fees is one of the best decisions Bungie and Activision have made about Destiny.

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