XBL, PSN, and Twitter Handles (DBO)
In preparation for the upcoming beta and full release of Destiny, I think it would be beneficial to have a central location for XBL, PSN, and Twitter handles for DBO users to access in order to find players for fire teams. I'll create a google doc and share it once we have a solid showing.
PSN: Will update once created
XBL: SpleenCarnival
Twitter: @rliebherr
XBL, PSN, and Twitter Handles
We do actually already have a Google Doc about XBL and PSN Handles (I would share it but I can't access Google Drive at work). But here's my info:
XBL: XenosKB
PSN: TimothyKB
Twitter: XenosKB
XBL: Grizzlei
PSN: Grizzlei
Steam: Grizzlei
Twitter: @Grizzlei
Love, Grizzlei
XBL, PSN, and Twitter Handles
Good to know, Xenos. Thanks.
Here is the google doc
Xenos, no google drive and no games info at work? :(
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XBL, PSN, and Twitter Handles
XBL: Blackt1g3r
Twitter: @blackt1g3r
Here is the google doc
Xenos, no google drive and no games info at work? :(
Yeah, it's a pain. I've found some ways around it (I use Instapaper to create text-only versions of game articles), and the funny thing is that I can open specific Google Docs, but I can't access my drive.google.com because it's classified as "Online Storage".
And what is wrong with Online Storage?
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And what is wrong with Online Storage?
I believe the argument is that you can use it to transfer sensitive documents.
Here is the google doc
Thanks for setting this up! I know I've been quiet around here for a while due to other pursuits and responsibilities, but I'm excited to be a part of this community as we become legend.
GT: Smallish Atsumi - Twitter: @tea_bird
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PSN: SigbiasSilva, XBL: SgtSilva, Twitter: @AslanSilva
PSN: SigbiasSilva
XBL: SgtSilva
Twitter: @AslanSilva
I’ve been inactive for a while in regards to video gaming, but I’m all geared up for Destiny. A PS4 has just been acquired as well as a bunch of capturing and editing jazz. I have every intention to record my adventures and mishaps!
JDQuackers, all the way across the sky...
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Here is the google doc
Just added to it!
XBL, PSN, and Twitter Handles
PSN: mikefishr
XBL: mfish125
Steam & Origin: mikefishr
Twitter: @mikefishr
XBL, PSN, and Twitter Handles
My gamertag is the same as my username here, RaichuKFM. That ought to be my Steam and Origin handle as well, but I never really use Steam or Origin. I wouldn't have either if Skyrim and Mass Effect hadn't forced me to install them...
XBL, PSN, and Twitter Handles
XBL: Speedracer513
Steam: Speedracer513
Twitter: Speedracer 513
PSN: Speedracer5133
(some other jerk has my normal Speedracer513 on PSN and that extra 3 has been bothering me enough that I might change it before I get my special PS4 for Destiny)
XBL, PSN, and Twitter Handles
XBL: ShadowOfTheVoid
PSN: ShadowOfTheVoid_ (don't forget the underscore)
Twitter: I don't have Twitter.
XBL, PSN, and Twitter Handles
I keep a fairly substantial list of B.Org Twitter accounts here. Not mapped to other handles of course, but it might be useful to some, so there it is. It's possible that a few people slipped through the cracks, but I try to follow everyone I become aware of and add them to the list.