
Guardian Radio with DeeJ Episode 59 04/29/14 (Fan Creations)

by roland ⌂ @, Tuesday, April 29, 2014, 13:12 (3656 days ago)

Episode 59: http://theguardiansofdestiny.com/#!/2014/04/29/guardian-radio-episode-59/

iTunes: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/guardian-radio/id607799620?mt=2
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v04p39p77Pk&app=desktop

This week DeeJ stops by the show to share with our listeners a little secret that we’ve been keeping from everyone over the past week. On the day of the ‘infosplosion’ he debriefs us and our listeners on a few things that we can expect as the road to launch continues. He also does a pretty good Byf impression. We also dive in to the wealth of info that dropped over the past 24 hours. It’s a great time to be a Destiny fan. “We’ll see you at E3.”

Don’t forget to send in your questions and topics to us to feedback@theguardiansofdestiny.com. You can also hit us up on Twitter @GuardiansofD. If you enjoy the show you can subscribe to it on iTunes. Be sure to hit us up with a rating and review while you’re there. Join us for the LIVE recording of each episode every Monday on Twitch.tv at 10:30PM EST/ 7:30PM PST. If you can’t catch the LIVE recording you can catch a replay with the Twitch chat on our YouTube channel. As always…Guardians! Embrace your Destiny!

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