Destiny will be 1080p 30fps on Xbox One. (Destiny)
Worried that the Xbox One version of Destiny would render at an unplayably smeary 1076p? Thanks to XB1 SDK updates, Bungie has 1080p30 in their sights!
Destiny will be 1080p 30fps on Xbox One.
Xbox One. Ps4. Xbox One. Ps4.
Destiny will be 1080p 30fps on Xbox One.
Was I worried? Not really to be honest. We all know Bungie can be quite masterful when it comes to this sort of thing, but now that the June SDK came out I knew they would be able to pull out 1080p/30fps no problem.
Destiny will be 1080p 30fps on Xbox One.
We all know Bungie can be quite masterful when it comes to this sort of thing
On seventh-gen consoles, Bungie showed that they were gladly willing to sacrifice spatial sampling in favour of other things. Two games 1152x640 and one game 1152x720, not even any MSAA in sight.
Not that I dislike Bungie's technical choices; I'm one of those crazy people who argues that their games are in many ways technically competitive with Halo 4. But Bungie is not known for targeting high resolutions.
In before "Playstation runs Destiny at 1080p32"
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It stutters twice per second and has lots of lag?
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Destiny will be 1080p 30fps on Xbox One.
'Bungie as good as Halo 4'
Bungie basically 'coded' the whole fkn H4 engine so WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
It stutters twice per second and has lots of lag?
From seeing the PS4 footage I KNOW I will want NEXT GEN when I see the 360 vers. but to me,
I think the 360 still has good graphics … of course, I was born w PONG and thought Atari 2600 was good graphics …
I also thought I was a bad ass w/a RCA boobtoob playing Halo 2, then I got a flatscreen…. so…
…we will see … the NEXT GEN 'abilities' and comparisons in Destiny and other new games are what I'm interested in b4 I decided to dump $$$ on new console…
(or the H4 360 burns up and forces me 2) - it's already 'glitchy'.
Destiny will be 1080p 30fps on Xbox One.
Bungie basically 'coded' the whole fkn H4 engine so WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?
I'm referring to the fact that a lot of people find Halo 4 much more technically impressive than Bungie's titles.
Halo 4 was based on existing Halo codebase, but 343i did a lot of new work on it, just like Bungie did with every mainline title.