So, last day of Alpha and I've yet to see... (Destiny)
- A compilation of emotes
- A compilation of gun types explaining how they work
- Map-breaking hijinks
- Tower-breaking hikinks
- A thorough tour of the Tower
- A compilation of signs all over (Loftus would be ashamed :P)
People of DBO Alpha team, are you up for the challenge?
So, last day of Alpha and I've yet to see...
"A compilation of gun types explaining how they work"
Working on it.
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Recent developments on the Grimoire thread (best speculation thread yet, ihmo [sorry, Raga :P]) have led me to the following additions:
- Compilation of mission dialogue
- Compilation of random city-dweller NPCs dialogue
- Compilation of named NPCs dialogue
[sorry, Raga :P]
Ha! Not much more I could do without the game. :p
I'd be interested in someone staying up until the server is cut off and seeing how Destiny handles it...
I'll let you know in half an hour!
Servers are still up at the moment
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Dangerous experiments eh?
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