Today only: Android preview of the Destiny Companion App (Destiny)

by Pyromancy @, Monday, June 16, 2014, 22:18 (3896 days ago) @ MrPadraig08
edited by Pyromancy, Monday, June 16, 2014, 22:33

Wanted to test that new application out, but I'm not joining Google+ (for a liftime) to test an application (for one day). Would have been nice to just be able to download it, opt into it in the current mobile application, or opt in through bnet or the alpha site.

The viewing of the Alpha site kind of sucks on my ancient computer (not sure if it is the age of the computer, my out of date browser, or out of date Flash and Java?), and I was hoping to be able to view and study the Grimoire cards in a more pleasant handheld manner. Since we haven't seen a way, in game, to view these and other details, I was thinking about how cool it would be to unlock one of the cards in game and have it instantaneously pop up and display itself on my mobile device for perusal - or if I'm in a battle and can't check my mobile, a way to check them right after the game.
It is a card after all, why not be able to "hold it in my hand". It is not some new groundbreaking functionality of a companion application or xbox glass, but rather something I could actually see myself utilizing. Groundbreaking functionality or a serious form of extra content utilization are requisite for me to consider a companion application.
Even though I've become familiar with the land, by walking it, 'The Navigator' with the Old Russia map would be nice to view on my mobile at times during play. But thats a topic for a different thread.

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