PAX Prime 2014 - Community Swag (Fan Creations)

by Biwald ⌂, Redmond, WA, Tuesday, July 01, 2014, 11:48 (3878 days ago)


Over the last few years the Bungie community has had a tradition of representing ourselves at PAX with pride, and this year is no different. Once again I quickly designed up another PAX shirt to represent the Bungie community with a heavy Destiny Theme. I feel like I've left out the DBO members in previous years with these shirts, so here you are!


Shirt Link

We hope to have the acquisition process set up soon, but until then sound off if you think you'd like to grab yourself some new threads and give us your thoughts. Not a big fan of the red? Give us suggestions and we'll take them into consideration.

PAX is still a ways off, and I don't want to limit this design just to a T-shirt. So I made up some quick backgrounds for your Phone or Desktop.

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