So, what edition are you getting? (Destiny)
by Ragashingo , Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, July 07, 2014, 17:08 (3901 days ago)
It's been quite the Bungie Day. Fireworks and flames everywhere... perhaps just not the kind we're used to. I hate being negative... and I was probably more negative than was needed this morning... :(
...so maybe let's try something positive?
These special editions of Destiny look awesome! And not just awesome, actually worth the money. The DLC pass alone brings the collector edition within $5 of it's asking price, and that gun guide looks pretty cool. Perhaps not Halsey Journal cool (and what is?!) but I love the idea of things in the gun guide tying back into the game. If they manage to actually connect the pack-ins to the in game story in a meaningful way... that'd be pretty amazing. And I'm hopeful they've done just that.
And then there's the Ghost Edition... I never wanted a tiny Halo Helmet or even the statue of Noble Team, as neat as it was. But having my own Ghost. Oh man I should have seen something like that coming and I'm thrilled that I didn't. It's going to be so awesome just setting that thing down some place, or looking over to it as I play. The custom in game Ghost skin doesn't excite me as much... I kinda like them white... but having the real thing. I'm in!
So, I'm pretty committed to the Ghost Edition, but what about you? How do you think the Destiny special editions rate to those of past Bungie games? What's the best special edition you've ever bought? And, what version of Destiny do you plan to buy?
P.S. Bungie, if it's not too late, have it say the Moon Wizard line! :)
So, I'm pretty committed to the Ghost Edition, but what about you?
My Noble Team statue - as cool as it is - is currently sitting in it's box in the garage. I don't have the shelf space for it inside.
Now, the Ghost one looks smaller but I still don't see myself using it much. But I will want that DLC pass, especially since it'll include campaign and co-op content. The Halo 4 Season pass was a bit of a waste in hindsight since it was only MP maps I barely played. But I know I'll have fun with the PvE stuff in Destiny.
Hopefully it's a little cheaper than £94.99 when it releases (US$160, includes tax though). Otherwise I may get pragmatic and purchase Destiny and the Pass separately.
What's the best special edition you've ever bought?
Halo 2, man! First Steelbook I ever got.
Hehe... I mainly remember the Halo 2 LE for the special manual (something NOBODY gets anymore with modern games) and the steel book... that never held my Halo 2 disk very well.
Now, as mentioned, Reach was my favorite LE, but beyond that I really liked Halo Wars. The little story was neat and the included stuff was cool. I still have the Spirit of Fire patch, for instance.
Outside of Halo, Skyrim... just plain old Skyrim had the neatest stuff with its cloth feeling map that came with it. It the early days I got horribly lost and used that map to find my way back. Great fun!
Halo 2 LE
by Oholiab , Monday, July 07, 2014, 21:25 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
Hehe... I mainly remember the Halo 2 LE for the special manual (something NOBODY gets anymore with modern games) and the steel book... that never held my Halo 2 disk very well.
Fond memories. I pulled out my Halo 2 LE the other day to play with the kids. Enjoyed the manual again. And smiled as the disc fell out of the case as it always did before.

So, what edition are you getting?
by Yapok , Monday, July 07, 2014, 17:29 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
Im just getting the regular digital edition from PSN for now. Might ramp up to another edition if I get it for xbox one too eventually.

Didn't you JUST post about cancelling your pre-order?
by Bones , The Last City, Earth, Sol System, Monday, July 07, 2014, 17:36 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
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Canceling his old one to select a new one!!!!
by breitzen , Kansas, Monday, July 07, 2014, 17:51 (3901 days ago) @ Bones
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by Ragashingo , Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, July 07, 2014, 17:55 (3901 days ago) @ Bones
I changed my mind. I was mad this morning. I cooled off.
I do intend to speak up a lot more about stupid exclusives and poor developer / publisher to gamer communications though. What's happening, even if Bungie doesn't like it, is still happening and they're now part of it. Console exclusives are one thing, charging different sets of gamers the same price for different levels of content though... That needs to stop.

by narcogen
, Andover, Massachusetts, Monday, July 07, 2014, 18:58 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
I changed my mind. I was mad this morning. I cooled off.
I do intend to speak up a lot more about stupid exclusives and poor developer / publisher to gamer communications though. What's happening, even if Bungie doesn't like it, is still happening and they're now part of it. Console exclusives are one thing, charging different sets of gamers the same price for different levels of content though... That needs to stop.
... and this is why most consumer activism doesn't work. They know that the loudest complainers go ahead and spend money anyway, and those who vote with their wallets don't always bother to say anything about it, so they just ignore what everyone says and pay attention only to what they do.

Could be.
by Ragashingo , Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, July 07, 2014, 19:13 (3901 days ago) @ narcogen
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by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, July 09, 2014, 14:10 (3900 days ago) @ narcogen
... and this is why most consumer activism doesn't work. They know that the loudest complainers go ahead and spend money anyway, and those who vote with their wallets don't always bother to say anything about it, so they just ignore what everyone says and pay attention only to what they do.
It can work. The REAL ID fiasco with Blizzard is an example of how to do it right. Tons of folks started canceling pre-orders for SC2. A LOT. So many, that they took notice and rolled back the change.
But you have to act and actually cancel.

Didn't you JUST post about cancelling your pre-order?
by Kermit , Raleigh, NC, Monday, July 07, 2014, 18:02 (3901 days ago) @ Bones
Cut him some slack! He's passionate.
Regarding the question at hand. I'll probably buy the Ghost Edition for the Xbox One.
Assuming that the PS4 will still pre-load it, the Digital Guardian Edition for that. (I want to play with all y'all, and have been saving up for it!)
When I have money again I'll hope to get a (on sale!) standard 360 version to play with my peeps (like Levi and Blue) who will play there. DLC? If needed and if on sale.
Regarding my favorite LE. Love the steel boxes (H2, Mass Effect). I'm not a fan of miniature art books or comic books that require a magnifying glass to read. Halsey's Journal is favorite extra-game Halo item ever. That includes all books, comics, or what have you.
Probably Limited Edition
by Blue_Blazer_NZ, Wellington, New Zealand, Monday, July 07, 2014, 17:40 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
For context, I'm in NZ where the pricing is whack; basically it equates to me paying USD$205 for the Ghost Edition and USD$135 for the Limited Edition (inclusive of tax).
I'm definitely keen on the DLC pass and all the rest of it but I can't justify an extra USD$70 just for the replica Ghost.
EB Games (NZ's Gamestop) pre-orders do get the upgraded Sparrow content as well though.

Pre-ordered the Ghost Edition
by Xenos , Shores of Time, Monday, July 07, 2014, 17:41 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
I'm super excited!

Oh, and the best LE for me: Halo Reach
by Xenos , Shores of Time, Monday, July 07, 2014, 17:59 (3901 days ago) @ Xenos
Halsey's Journal. 'Nuff said.
At first I was thinking to go "all digital" this time around, though all the added goodies to me is worth it. I'm going all in and Happy Bungie Day :-)

So, what edition are you getting?
by ZackDark , Not behind you. NO! Don't look., Monday, July 07, 2014, 17:49 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
I definitely want a Limited Edition, but given I live in wacky ol' banana country, no idea how it'll go down.

So, what edition are you getting?
by SigbiasSilva , West Midlands, England, Monday, July 07, 2014, 17:51 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
The special editions really do look so beautiful, and they're awfully temping. In particular, I like the guns book and the star chart. I was really hoping for some kind of map, and for me, that chart fits the bill (well, close enough), and it'd look fabulous on my wall, just as the Ghost would upon my shelf.
But I'm not sure if I'll be going ahead with the editions costing £94.99 and £150! I probably will...
How do you think the Destiny special editions rate to those of past Bungie games?
They look fantastically designed, and the Ghost is small enough to hang about and be displayed, unlike previous big fancy Bungie game editions.
The only real letdown content wise would be the lack of behind the scenes content though - that stuff's always fun!
What's the best special edition you've ever bought?
Halo 2, I think, which SOMEHOW is my only damaged game case. I don't even know how, perhaps in a move sometime? Life is hard.
P.S. Bungie, if it's not too late, have it say the Moon Wizard line! :)
Haha, this is a must!

Ghost Edition for PS4
by Grizzlei
, Pacific Cloud Zone, Earth, Monday, July 07, 2014, 18:04 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
How do you think the Destiny special editions rate to those of past Bungie games?
I think they look fantastic. Like the Halo 2 steelbook, it's simple and features its trademark artistic style in a minimal fashion. The ancillary content is pretty impressive too with similar style artwork and stuff. It looks really impressive.
Hopefully that big giant case for the Ghost Edition is adorned with good looking art. No sense in paying all that much for some simplistic shit. The big case for Destiny limited edition looks nice though. I would have liked that more than the standard box art.
The only thing I would add is a Blu-ray of behind-the-scenes content. We haven't got much in the way of ViDocs for Destiny and it would be real nice to see what else they've been doing.
What's the best special edition you've ever bought?
Halo 2. Just a little $5 more than the standard edition, came in a gorgeous minimalistic steelbook, and was packed to the gills with plenty of rad in-universe and behind the scenes content. Still better than anything they've released for Halo thus far.
And, what version of Destiny do you plan to buy?
Dinklage Edition

So, what edition are you getting?
by JDQuackers
, McMurray, PA, Monday, July 07, 2014, 18:07 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
Digital Guardian Edition. Physical discs and trinkets in my house are simply fodder for the babbling slobber cannon that roams our hallway, and it still provides a $5 discount on the 2 dlc packs

by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, July 07, 2014, 18:36 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
No frills, just game.

by narcogen
, Andover, Massachusetts, Monday, July 07, 2014, 18:59 (3901 days ago) @ Cody Miller
No frills, just game.
Same here. For Xbox 360.
I'll be looking into the whole Xbox One vs PS4 thing later.

Me too
by Blackt1g3r , Login is from an untrusted domain in MN, Monday, July 07, 2014, 20:12 (3901 days ago) @ narcogen
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by Cody Miller , Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, July 07, 2014, 21:07 (3901 days ago) @ narcogen
Same here. For Xbox 360.
Post your experience. Really curious as to how this game scales, and what kind of experience 360 owners will get.
Basic Digital Download, should it ever exist.
by DEEP_NNN, Monday, July 07, 2014, 18:36 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
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For XB1? It will, all XB1 games have digital versions
by Xenos , Shores of Time, Monday, July 07, 2014, 18:48 (3901 days ago) @ DEEP_NNN
360 less sure, but pretty confident. I think most if not all retail games have been released digitally for the 360 since the One came out.
For XB1? It will, all XB1 games have digital versions
by DEEP_NNN, Monday, July 07, 2014, 18:51 (3901 days ago) @ Xenos
360 less sure, but pretty confident. I think most if not all retail games have been released digitally for the 360 since the One came out.
You're probably correct but it can't be bought for XB1 yet.

So, what edition are you getting?
by DavidIsDead , Earth, Monday, July 07, 2014, 18:55 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
Probably the limited edition. I do kinda want the ghost edition though. But it's a little bit more than I want spend on it.

Ghost Edition for Xbox One
by Zero , Florida, Monday, July 07, 2014, 19:26 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
Well, hopefully anyway. My money situation needs to turn around real fast for that to happen. What really sold me on the whole thing is well, the Ghost that comes with it. That's actually one of the coolest things I've seen included in a collectors edition of, well... anything really. Though I'm not too keen on the color scheme, it's not really my cup of tea. Maybe switch out that red for blue and i'll be even more sold.
What's the best special edition you've ever bought?
None, actually. Being a kid when the Halo games were coming out, I was pretty much broke all the time, let alone aware of any special editions that did exist. By the time I was able to make those kinds of decisions, it was just too late. Sad times aside however, all this awesome content really makes me want to join the party this go around.
P.S. Bungie, if it's not too late, have it say the Moon Wizard line! :)
Total deal breaker for me if it doesn't!

Ghost Edition for Xbox One
by Ragashingo , Official DBO Cryptarch, Monday, July 07, 2014, 19:30 (3901 days ago) @ Zero
Well, hopefully anyway. My money situation needs to turn around real fast for that to happen. What really sold me on the whole thing is well, the Ghost that comes with it. That's actually one of the coolest things I've seen included in a collectors edition of, well... anything really. Though I'm not too keen on the color scheme, it's not really my cup of tea. Maybe switch out that red for blue and i'll be even more sold.
Haha. Agreed. Maybe later in the year we can have a "Repaint your Ghost contest" or something :)
by electricpirate , Monday, July 07, 2014, 21:16 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
Release date is 1 weeek after I start my second year of graduate school and my daughter turns 1. I likely won't have time for destiny, so I'm content to wait for the eventual PC release, or I'll buy a PS4 when I graduate. Hopefully life will be less hectic (hah)
When I do buy it will be a digital version. No more stuff in my house please.
Ghost edition for PS4
by rhubarb, Monday, July 07, 2014, 22:32 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
I was going to get the 360 version and decide after if I wanted to upgrade to Xbone or PS4.
I then had an impulsive visit to EB games and walked out with a PS4, Xbone w/o Kinect + Titanfall CE and Wolfenstein. So much for that plan.

€130 is a lot for the LE...
by Zeouterlimits, Ireland, Tuesday, July 08, 2014, 01:55 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
Maybe the regular so? :-/

I just don't know!
by kidtsunami , Atlanta, GA, Tuesday, July 08, 2014, 03:01 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
I want all the stuff that comes with the Ghost edition except for that silly relic of games past, the disc.
I wish there was a Ghost [Digital] Edition where I could get all of that stuff and just the digital version of the game.
Now it's likely that I won't get the Ghost Edition just because of that.
So it's likely the Digital Limited Edition I think.
Also, question, how easy it to turn off the ghost....
So, what edition are you getting?
by PsychoRaven, Oklahoma, Tuesday, July 08, 2014, 04:38 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
For me it's simple. PS4 I upgraded my Digital to the premium digital. Then my Xbone preorder at Amazon I remade to the Ghost edition.

Good ol' regular edition.
by LostSpartan, Tuesday, July 08, 2014, 06:27 (3901 days ago) @ Ragashingo
Because that is what the ps4 bundle comes with :)
Honestly think I'm done with Collector's Editions for right now. It all looks really cool for sure, but I'm perfectly happy with just the game.... and that expansion pass.