You can only join one clan, right? (Fan Creations)

by petetheduck, Tuesday, July 08, 2014, 11:44 (3876 days ago) @ Malagate

If you can only join one clan, having one for each console doesn't necessarily make sense. I mean, it does, but I don't know if that's the absolute way to divide the community.

I think that will happen naturally, for a clan to have members of a single platform, and so the primary division should be based on something else. I recommend play patterns, like was discussed in the podcast:

Clan X plays every Friday night, 10PM EST, primarily Xbox 360.
Clan Y plays weekends, focuses on Strikes, primarily PS4.
Clan Z is in college and plays every waking hour of every day on every console.

The goal of the clan is to find people to play with, right? So you want to join a clan whose members are online generally the same time as you.

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