
That Wizard Came From Mösting Crater? (Destiny)

by Ragashingo ⌂, Official DBO Cryptarch, Wednesday, July 09, 2014, 14:49 (3918 days ago)

I was poking around the background image of the DestinyTheGame website (as one tends to do) and spotted a lone latitude listing near the middle of the image:


"Something interesting!" I thought... but there was no longitude I could find. I poked around the Earth trying to find cities or countries even close to that lat... and nothing. My hopes of finding Puerto Princesa confirmation were dashed when I saw it was listed at: 09°44′N 118°44′E. But then I typed in the numbers just the right way and low and behold: Mösting Crater!

It's a 2.8Km deep hole in the moon's surface. Could this be the location of the Hive's Hellmouth?
[image] [image]

A bit more searching showed that this has been found elsewhere but I don't think it was ever mentioned here. Pretty neat. I love it when Destiny ties together the real world with its Mythic Scifi one. :)

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