
Speculation Saturday #7: The Hive (Destiny)

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Sunday, July 13, 2014, 01:17 (3915 days ago) @ Ragashingo

(Which I like; even if they clearly would have been accounting for it from the beginning, I feel like time travel wouldn't work with Destiny's story and setting, or at least it wouldn't work for me.)

It's certainly different, but go back and watch last years GDC panel. Destiny ended up being a combination of mythic and science fiction themes precisely so Bungie could make a wide variety of ideas fit within this new universe.

I didn't mean I don't think it would fit, thematically or otherwise, I meant I don't think it'll make for a good story, or at least my idea of a good story; or least my idea of a story that's any better than just good.

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