
Join Team Schooly D + DBO PAX Shirts! (Recruitment)

by Schooly D, TSD Gaming Condo, TX, Tuesday, July 15, 2014, 00:04 (3582 days ago)
edited by Schooly D, Tuesday, July 15, 2014, 00:18

I'd like to join a clan that plays on my console
I'd like to join a clan that plays at times when I'd like to play
I'd like to join a clan whose members are similar to me in terms of age/sex/creed/skill

...and other things said by plebs.

left to right: people who used to play Halo

Join Team Schooly D. Play Destiny with us.

The beta is approaching. You need a crew. And not just any crew, you need a real crew. A running crew. A multi-ethnic conglomerate of people who are united by something greater than cold, unfeeling pragmatism. Driven by something more meaningful than enjoying video games. Chosen by fate, damned by man, forsaken by God.

You need Team Schooly D.


Why should I join Team Schooly D?

How's this for starters:

How do I join?
Send me an email: schoolyd aaaaat teamschoolyd.org



LIMITED TIME OFFER: include any kind of tank top in your order and receive free shipping! (July 15-22, promo code: TANKYOU)

The TSD Ideagination Lab has been hard at work, crafting new, quality merchandise with which to cover that ugly, untrained sack of flesh made decrepit by years of laziness and/or the vagaries of a fulfilling life spent outside the gym.

Here are a few:

TSD Lifting Crew uniform, Reach edition

TSD Running Crew uniform

Kyun kyun, motherfuckers

The destiny Collection + PAX shirts!

You're going to PAX, right? Then you're gonna need some threads. We've all seen the official DBO PAX shirts, but feast your eyes on the unofficial crop cooked up by the TSD Culinary Crew:

DBO @ PAX, ver. 1

DBO @ PAX, ver. 2

And to round things out, here's a bonus offering:

City Tower, Slow Walkers



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